The therapeutic touch can be amazing and is easily overlooked. It can have so many benefits, especially when applied in synergy with the body’s natural rebalancing mechanisms and energetic flows. Helping to remap the body consciousness, reconnect the inner spirit and re-enforce the body mind connection. Working energetically helps to center you in your being, ground you into your authentic self, boost your natural confidence and provide positive strokes to your being.
My unique blend of Reiki massage works in real time with the body’s energetic template, whether for remedial healing treatment, to re-instate energetic flows that have broken down and support the body’s recovery from injury, or to help correct the effects of longer term chronic imbalance that can manifest in a multitude of conditions through dis-ease, or for pure rejuvenation and alignment to your inner spirit.
Any physical, emotional or psychological condition has an underlying energetic imbalance. Corrections to misaligned energetic flows, positively supports the healing process and takes things further. Helping to overcome imbalance and create a positive effect. For insight into what your body is already working to correct and to learn what you can do to support your body’s natural healing mechanisms, book a Reiki Massage or Energetic Life Coaching session, for renewed self awareness of what is out of balance and to light the way forward.
Treat yourself to a metaphysical rebalance. Receive an energetic reading alongside your Reiki Massage to bring aspects of your being into alignment for a transformative approach. Working with the body’s energetic template and meridian flows, balancing the subtle bodies of your consciousness, for more lasting results and an out of this world treatment! Please contact for more information or to book. Gift vouchers available.