New Millennial Group

Building a New Earth, global community of cosmic souls
to support each other through the transitions on the inner and outer planes.

To understand your place in the world,
Your soul’s purpose and overall mission.

Online, Fortnightly, Tuesdays, 7-9pm: £30

Please contact to book your place and we look forward to knowing you!

As we move deeper into the Aquarian Age cusp, we are departing from the old 3D landscape. Becoming heart centered and higher vibrational. Morphing into our astral intelligence and higher bodies. We are surging forward in our understanding of who we are and opening into our 4D state. Transitioning to our new world bodies and consciousness. If you are feeling this and believe you are a New Earth soul or cosmic being then this space is for you…

As a New Millennial you naturally have a higher vibration. You are here to begin a new cycle of incarnations on the New Earth (not to be part of the old one) and must learn to traverse the terrain accurately for your soul in this lifetime, without becoming karmically entangled. Your soul needs you to remain free, so you can learn and grow. You are here on a mission, to earth in just enough to be part of the future Earth that we are creating right now, through our very vibration and consciousness. Your soul is ready to write in its future life scripts, but needs you to understand and follow its plan.

Your soul has specific reasons for you being here right now and there are multiple layers to your reality. The Earth plane is a hotbed of different souls transitioning for different reasons. If you want to learn just who you are and how you fit into the bigger picture and harness your unique soul abilities then this space is for you. The cosmic and futuristic parts of your being can find expression and you can proactively work through your current transition, becoming a conscious New Millennial, empowered in your true nature and reason for being. You can learn how to harmonise with your soul’s plan and help it succeed in its purpose.

If you are a parent of a New Earth soul or feel you have a specific purpose with helping or guiding them then please feel welcome to contact and be part of this community. We are here for you.

Since the 1980s the New Earth souls have really been coming in, but more so since the millennium. Increasingly since the stellar gateway opened in 2011, new, baby souls are incarnating ready to be part of the New Earth and their presence is rapidly raising the vibration. These young souls need guidance. Many have been mislabeled as autistic, or as having learning or personality disorders. They are highly intelligent, don’t like being in a physical body, can get hung up on their appearance and have body dysmorphic tendencies, or feel depressed and suicidal. They must learn how to temper their emotions and harness their power, rather than give it away to old Earth conditioning. They can be headstrong and hedonistic in nature; willful and untamed. Hard to relate to and distant. They may seem as if they are not really here, or don’t really know how to be here. They are tuned into another reality and can live with their head in the clouds, with their ‘imaginary’ friends. They can rise up with a righteousness that can get them into trouble. They need to learn to express and harness their power in the right ways.

If you want to know more about your soul and its purpose. How to harness your energy, consciously balance and ground yourself to the point your soul needs and understand why you are here… this space is for you. If you want to understand the different components of your personality and refine your true identity and inter-stellar, cosmic blend with all of its differing needs, then this space is for you. For the outrageous quirky cosmic beings that just do not fit into the status quo. This space is for you!

Online, Fortnightly, Tuesdays, 7-9pm: £30

Please contact to book your place and we look forward to knowing you!