Psychic Development

From the novice to the experienced… We can all learn to channel from a state of inner balance and harmony. Embarking on a safe journey to promote mindfulness and well-being. To cultivate a sense of inner peace, where intuitive skills naturally develop to enhance life experience. Promoting a greater flow of awareness and wisdom into our being and our life.

‘You Reiki’ is committed to helping those already using mediumistic and psychic skills, or those wanting to develop. Delivered through a safe and effective, mature approach. Only for those serious about learning and applying themselves.

There are many workshops available to help raise your energetic vibration – please see the workshop section. Personal developmental sessions can be booked or a block of psychic development sessions. All delivered one-to-one, to develop your unique and natural abilities to the full. Equipping you with the skills to move forward in your practice. Well established psychic development groups are also available. Spiritual and Soul based personal readings can be booked to suit. Distant sessions can be arranged via telephone or on-line. Please call or contact us to book.

It’s a special time to be developing your consciousness right now, as we move into the Age of Aquarius and the vibration on the Earth plane quickens. Many Soul’s are awakening to their intuition and psychic ability, whilst those already practising are being pushed to new levels of competence and awareness.

‘You Reiki’ works proactively, as the way we channel is changing. Learn to work with the new cosmic network around the Earth plane and that which resonates directly with your Soul. Learn to work more closely with your life guides and understand your Soul’s purpose. Learn how to harness your Soul’s intelligence and develop your consciousness, to enhance your awareness and ability to channel. Tap into your unique potential!

Let your guides and Soul teach you and facilitate your journey as you learn to work in real time with their energy safely. Develop a methodical, structured practice. Building a solid foundation, so you channel from a state of inner balance that enriches your life and being.

“The more aware we wish to become, the more grounded and balanced we need to be. The more in the moment we are and aligned with our truth, the greater our awareness of what is

Telephone and on-line available – distance no object. Please contact to book

Personalised Developmental Coaching Sessions: 30 mins £48, 1 hr from £88

To further develop your channeling technique and effectiveness, whether for healing, psychic, mediumistic practice or personal development. To help you tap into your infinite potential, connect with your higher mind and inner guidance, with objective feedback and support provided. Work is also performed in the aura as needed through Reiki to further open and clear the meridians, re-balance the chakras and attune to your guidance systems, to optimise your channeling ability. No previous experience or ability necessary.

Psychic Development: 30 mins £48, 1 hr from £88

Highly personalised coaching sessions to develop your psychic skills and ability, whilst learning to raise your energetic vibration and level of consciousness. Delivered safely through a methodical, structured and mature approach. Tapping into your potential as a pure channel whether for healing, psychic readings, mediumship or personal development. A great way to work with your personal guidance systems and practice safely. Bringing new understanding to you and your life purpose, helping you to further align with your life path, through a holistic approach. No previous experience or ability necessary. Can also book as a 12 week program – see below.

Psychic Development Program: from £495 (12 week program for developing consciousness)

Work through a highly personalised 12 week program of psychic development. Working on a Soul and Akashic level, to raise your energetic vibration and develop skills to enhance psychic or mediumistic abilities, as detailed above. Program comprises 6 sessions, over a 12 week period, to help you develop skills you can continue to use for your on-going development.

Psychic Development Groups: £30 (Developing consciousness)

For anyone interested in developing their channeling technique and mediumistic skills. Ideal for continued personal or professional development and for raising your energetic vibration / level of consciousness. Welcoming and supportive environment. Two groups running that you can attend to suit, 3 weekly, Thursdays, 10am-12pm, or Thursday evening, 7-9pm, on-line. Only suitable for those with a mature outlook and approach – pre-booking essential.

Tarot Group: £30 (Thursday evenings)

For those serious about applying themselves, through a mature approach. You will learn how to work with the tarot and develop your psychic abilities, as you deepen your connection to your guidance networks and inner archetypes that resonate with the tarot. A unique way of working that is great for your own personal development and also for those wishing to provide readings, or enhance their current practice and understanding of the tarot. You can join on-line, or arrange your own groups to suit, so distance is no object. A tarot course is also available to take things further if you wish, for a highly personalised approach. Please see Tarot for more, or Contact to book.

Guide Workshop: 2 days £545

Learn about your spirit guides through various techniques for insight, direction and to enhance your current practice. To help you further align with your intuition and life path. Whether for healing, self development, psychic or mediumistic purposes. No experience is necessary. Includes 2 days of personalised guide attunements, plus healing from your guides directly, with feedback and direction given. You can book dates to suit by calling or e-mail via the contact page. Option is also available to book as a one-to-one, development program, comprising fortnightly sessions, over 12 weeks, to suit – please ask for details. Distance no object, telephone and on-line available.

Guide Attunement & Healing Session: 1 hr from £88

Attune to the energy of your guides, with healing and feedback. To help harmonise your energy with that of your life guides and Guardian Angel. Helping to raise your energetic vibration where needed, for more conducive channelling, guide and Soul connections. Bringing clarity and direction to help you develop further on your path. Suitable for those wanting to develop psychic skills or anyone wishing to feel more connected to their inner guidance systems, intuition and enhance well-being.

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