Working Shamanically, with your cosmic Soul vibrations and pure consciousness, to help you align with your life path and purpose. To heal and overcome limiting patterns. To understand your Soul’s purpose more fully and your unique vibration. Bringing insights and greater self-understanding. Highlighting your potential and way forward.
Distant telephone or on-line sessions also available – please call or contact to book
Price Guide for Shamanic Reiki Treatments: 30 mins £48, 1hr upwards from £88
Shamanic Reiki Treatment:
To balance mind, body and spirit through nature and cosmic vibrations. Helping to restore your natural rhythms and cycles, for a sense of improved clarity, health and well-being. Cultivating a lighter, brighter you. Empowered to move forward in life areas where you need to, with a renewed sense of energy and purpose.
Soul Retrieval & Extraction Therapy with Reiki Healing:
To re-balance mind, body and spirit by retrieving and re-integrating your Soul energy. To extract Soul energy where you have taken this on from others, through fear or attachment to people, or situations, in this life time or others. To retrieve Soul energy that has become fragmented or depleted. Also available with counseling or as a Healing Workshop – see Workshop & Counseling section for details.
Native American Healing Treatment:
Native American healing techniques to help re-balance mind, body and spirit. Rebuilding the connections to your true consciousness and Soul purpose. Wonderfully cleansing, uplifting and liberating, to align you with your authentic self and Soul destiny. Bringing healing, re-balancing, life direction and clarity on your existence and reason for being. Distant sessions also available.
Totem Reiki Treatment:
Get to know your inner archetypes! A relaxing yet empowering treatment to identify your animal totems and bring them to life within. Highlighting areas within yourself and your life where you can develop new skills or bring your personal attributes to the fore and focus more fully where you need to initiate change and transformation. Aligning with your sense of inner power, purpose and natural soul ability. Enabling follow through with action to empower you and your life.
Reiki Sound Healing Treatment:
Reiki through sound to heal on all levels of consciousness. Utilising the highly creative energy of sound and primordial cosmic vibrations, to activate the Atman or Soul aspect and essence of your being, bringing greater sense of balance to mind, body and spirit.
Distant Shamanic Reiki Journeying Treatments:
Relax in your own space and receive a Shamanic Reiki Journeying Treatment! For insight and healing on any issue, problem or condition, or for self development and understanding. Great for resolution and empowerment, with feed back provided. Treatments can be focused on specific issues for clarity and direction, or for general healing and re-balancing. Please see Distant Healing for further details. Call or contact to book
For more on Shamanic development, please browse through the workshops available