There’s some great cosmic downloads coming your way, be available for it by having the right focus… Soul took a blend of its awesomeness and molded it into you! So you are designed to be great at being you! Your heart holds the authentic you, so trust and start listening to it.
There’s a big download of Soul coding trying to get through to you right now and throughout August, so be aware of the heart and centre there – don’t let the mind block you receiving this moment! Become your truth by expressing it and remember, what is in your heart, you are destined to be, so anything less will just be settling. Don’t settle for a lesser version than you deserve to be, as it will just pull you down, while the cosmos is doing its best to lift you. There’s work to do with this energy so don’t miss out! Update yourself and get your true coding in as you put your focus in the right place – your heart! If you’re confused about your way forward, you’re focus is off. Get aligned and learn how to be your path. Use the mindfulness, Wednesday group sessions to rebalance, re-focus and understand the cosmic dynamic, or book a one-to-one Soul healing session or Akashic Soul reading. It’s all up to you! How available are you being to yourself, your heart and your truth right now?