This year is picking up the pace. We are quickening and the cosmos is about to deliver some amazing energy to help us transform the right way. It’s imperative to have the right focus and understand how you are creating your own destiny. Make sure you are on the same page as Soul and aligning with your true path by being the true you.
It’s a time when residual karma can really be healed and the pathways to your true life purpose can open up to take you forward. It’s all about the right inner focus. We are entering a time when we can align our creative power with the heart and arrive at a new place of understanding. We can really cultivate a state of inner healing and regeneration if we focus the right way. Where the mind goes our energy flows. This is really about to speed up and the turnaround will be felt, so make it a positive experience that brings a deeper sense of peace and fulfilment.
Catch the wave – don’t end up chasing it! This moment could very easily pass you by. If you are feeling like everything is wrong it’s most probably because it’s all trying to come right. The energy is rebalancing to find a new harmonic state and everything you need to be you is available. All your authentic, inner qualities are trying to surface that can get you through, so it might feel overwhelming or it might feel liberating. You have the right ingredients and they are surfacing. You are the answer to your problems. Your moment is here if you truly want to align with it. Spiral up with the energy available right now. It’s amazing and so are you!
Book a Soul reading with healing and rebalancing or check out the karmic healing workshop to get the right focus. You will learn about your residual karmic patterns and attachments Soul intends be healed, as you gain a deeper understanding of your life experience and future life focus for Soul. You will rebalance through Soul guided healing, for clarity, personal development and to raise your energetic vibration. Available as a full day of inner healing or in shorter therapy sessions. Remember, you can spiral up out of it with the right focus and the energy to do it is right here now! Don’t miss it. Use the Wednesday cosmic alignment and mindfulness group space to learn more about the switch on moments and to help yourself grow forward. Please contact to book.