Don’t miss the opportunity available right now! The realms are shifting to create the spiral up in the New Year. The energy will fly forward. It’s all coming right in readiness for it. It’s been aligning for the last few years and the moment is here!
You are defined by your energetic state, not who you think you are, or try to be. This is the moment to get it right as your energetic state is what will determine the way you and your life take off next year. Get aligned with your true vibration and get clarity on what that is.
We are experiencing a karmic detangling as part of a much bigger cosmic picture. If sands are shifting it’s imperative to know the way. The old is trying to fall away and things are really breaking down now in order to come right for true balance. It’s all coming right and this is when it can feel most wrong and out of balance. Work with it creatively rather than reacting in fear and trying to control it, which will just dampen and suppress the shifts trying to get you to a better place. Get your energy right and you will fly with it next year. Know your karma, your Dharma, your true path and way through the shift for it to come together in magical ways. That’s what is on offer right now. The way forward, the way out. The break free is here. To better understand your way through book a rebalancing treatment, a Soul reading or use the Wednesday cosmic alignment sessions or monthly healing seminars. Clarity and the way is here if you truly want it. It’s exciting. Don’t miss it! It’s NOW!