We’re on a final squeeze for the rest of this year. The energy is bringing all our suppressed baggage to the surface to help us deal with it and let it go before it shoots forward in January. The cosmos is really trying to be our friend right now. Uranus is in its final throws in Aries asking us to clean up the self physically, emotionally or mentally. It’s time to let go of old habits and patterns that no longer serve our authentic self and true way forward. Energetically the support is there to do it, so optimize the moment. Work with it. It will never be easier to break free. Jupiter moving into Sagittarius in November, wants us to have all the good things we are meant to, so it’s time to make yourself available to it and rediscover the real you. Moving beyond the pain and suffering of being out of alignment with your true vibration. The help is there – choose to take it. Start listening to yourself and acknowledging where your life is showing you what is redundant.
Uranus will go direct and move towards Taurus in January and ground in whatever we are choosing to be, to make it more real in our lives for the next 7 years. Now for those creating good things this is an exciting time of new foundations and adventures, with new doors opening and new opportunities. On the other hand… if you’re avoiding self responsibility it will show up everywhere. So it’s time to choose: spiral up with the energy to a better place and reap the benefits that want to come to you or spiral down and have to work harder to get yourself back on track with your true path. The time for avoiding is over. What we resist will surely persist in our lives with Uranus in Taurus and will be exaggerated by Jupiter in Sagittarius. So work it and focus on the positives to create what you really want rather than resisting what you don’t! This energy really wants you to use your higher mind and intelligence to house in your true vibrational blend so all the good wanting to find you knows where you are living right now!
With this in mind there will be a special Soul-stice event 17th & 21st December, to mark the shift in consciousness as we move into the New Year and spiral up in our vibration. You will receive soul healing and attunement to help take the best vibrational you forward. The other group spaces will also be focusing on this for the rest of this year, culminating in the soul attunement around the Solstice.
If you want to help yourself and find the right focus, there is plenty of help available: join the Wednesday, Cosmic Channeling and Mindfulness group, morning or evening, the 3 weekly Development group, the monthly Healing Circle or Monthly Healing Seminar. There are also 1-2-1 healing and developmental programs with Reiki and other therapies available. All Soul and energy based for a pro-active 21st Century approach to health and well-being. Book onto the special Soul-stice event in December for a soul healing and attunement. Visit What’s on to discover more and Contact to book. It’s time to move forward! Distance no object – telephone and Skype available.