Stress is unique to each of us. Whether it’s low level chronic stress or a traumatic experience, we can remain energetically stuck in states of imbalance without realising. We can be pushed off line gradually or in one moment. The body is designed to survive and evolve and will naturally tell us when something is tipping us into a state of imbalance.
Unfortunately, we misunderstand this process and end up strategizing and therapizing the recovery process itself instead of working pro-actively with it in order to complete the cycle and evolve beyond it. Instead our stress is triggered over and over as the body’s inner balancing mechanisms continue to attempt a rebalance. Most therapies just compound the problem, applying methods and techniques that focus on shutting down the rebalancing mechanisms themselves, so there is no recovery, just coping. Usually this supresses the trauma, only for it to resurface later or find a new outlet that we often fail to connect. When we work in synergy with the body’s energetic rebalancing mechanisms, we can support the natural processing. Promoting the natural recovery cycle and moving to completion.
The body is designed to rebalance and self-repair. Ironically, these natural rebalancing mechanisms are being misunderstood and identified as part of the problem. They are over medicated which leads to further suppression, when the body is naturally attempting to rebalance and re-cover. It will use any triggers as an opportunity to do so and push the emotional and mental aspects to a new and more balanced state. When the information is assimilated the stressors no longer trigger a panic attack or heightened emotional response and we move beyond fight flight into a new, more balanced and energetically centred state. Where the body can achieve homeostasis and begin to flourish and feel uplifted. It is no longer on high alert or continually looking for a threat as the energetic state has been restored and the body systems have received the messaging that they are out of danger. Then we can focus on new things and assimilate new information about the present and begin to feel as if we can move forward again. That’s because the body has completed the recovery cycle enough and is satisfied that the conscious self has not only identified the stressors but has a greater understanding of what knocked them off line so they are less likely to repeat the pattern and evolution has taken place.
The sooner we move through the natural recovery cycle the better our health becomes. The longer we stay stuck the more chronic our conditions become. We are then labelled and diagnosed and become attached to symptoms of simply being out of balance and the natural physical responses in the body that are in-built to help it flourish are suppressed. So we spiral into more medication and more illness.
If we are stressed our adrenal glands may be in a fight flight state, the thyroid may compensate and be thrown out of balance and a knock on effect ensues. Our lymphatic system becomes overloaded with stress hormones, our mental state, natural vitality and immune system is impacted. Overtime we become susceptible to more illness. We receive more diagnosis and spiral into more medication with their secondary effects. The longer it takes us to recognise the problem the body is flagging up the worse we get and during this process we are prescribed a host of medications to counter what really isn’t a problem at all but rather is part of the solution. Long term medication pushes the body into a deeper state of imbalance as it supresses the messaging systems and we just seem to get worse. This will continue until we take the time and make the effort to understand the symptoms and what they are telling us. We disassociate and see our physical problems as beyond our control and nothing to do with our emotional or mental state which is actually the source of the imbalance.
The body’s energy system is always directing us towards the solution and healing response. It knows the way back to balance. It is a part of us. We can start to listen to our body on a deeper level and choose to evolve beyond our current state. We can become more in touch with our energetic self and start working in synergy with our natural process of recovery. The fortnightly well-being group is perfect for this, or book a therapy session to journey to the source of your recovery. Counselling and coaching is also available. Learn to trust your body again, it is unique and remarkable, just like you and it really does know the way back to balance! Distance no object, distant healing, Skype and telephone available. Please contact to book.