Past life wounds and patterns are being pushed to the surface as we progress through the quickening in consciousness, which will surely ramp up this year to take us forward…
You may be feeling stifled, blocked in your life path or stunted. Your behaviour repeating patterns of the past and feeding the cycle. The body will also release past life wounds through miasms – chronic conditions – that surface through the body physically to be dealt with. As the body becomes overwhelmed with your emotional baggage it is pushed out and manifests in dis-ease. You may dis-associate from it and say ‘it’s just the body doing its thing’, or ‘its nothing to do with me’, or ‘its just clinical’ … but its everything to do with you. You are existing on your emotional template right now that you have created from past choices and the physical body and mental state are a representation of this. Your inner balancing mechanisms will seek a way to show you what has been buried at every opportunity. This is the opportune moment and the surfacing will getting stronger through this year as the energy quickens to push you towards your authentic self that is willing the personality on the surface to acknowledge and embrace it.
The moment is asking each of us to acknowledge our suffering that feeds our behaviours, the subtle and not so subtle, our deeper wounds and emotional turmoil or psychological distress that plays out through mental imbalance we label and medicate, or suppress and try to ignore. Re-suppressing just keeps us in the cycle of repeating and exhausts us.
It’s the perfect time to work with the body mind connection, which knows the way forward. The answers are already trying to push through. You can learn to work with this inner processing and go with the moment for overcoming. It’s the perfect time to push on through and make the changes. You have an inner resource just waiting to be engaged by you. If you want clarity on your patterns, on your way forward and to set yourself free, book a healing session, a soul based Akashic life reading, counselling or life coaching. Choose to use the moment positively and ride through for a deeper understanding of yourself and your life purpose. The way forward really is within you! You have the road map, you created it! You know the way out of your pain! For a deeper self understanding and to learn how to use this moment, make the choice today! For those who therapy hop or constantly seek someone to fix them, or don’t even go there and ignore what is manifesting, it’s time to follow through.
Work with a therapist that truly is ready to engage you with your soul self and empower you to manifest your own healing. It is you who has the answers! Need help identifying them and understanding them… then contact. Therapies can be combined for effectiveness. Distant healing, counselling and coaching sessions also available via telephone and skype. For your way forward, please contact to book now.