Category Archives: Blog

It’s all coming right!

Don’t miss the opportunity available right now! The realms are shifting to create the spiral up in the New Year. The energy will fly forward. It’s all coming right in readiness for it. It’s been aligning for the last few years and the moment is here!

You are defined by your energetic state, not who you think you are, or try to be. This is the moment to get it right as your energetic state is what will determine the way you and your life take off next year. Get aligned with your true vibration and get clarity on what that is.

We are experiencing a karmic detangling as part of a much bigger cosmic picture. If sands are shifting it’s imperative to know the way. The old is trying to fall away and things are really breaking down now in order to come right for true balance. It’s all coming right and this is when it can feel most wrong and out of balance. Work with it creatively rather than reacting in fear and trying to control it, which will just dampen and suppress the shifts trying to get you to a better place. Get your energy right and you will fly with it next year. Know your karma, your Dharma, your true path and way through the shift for it to come together in magical ways. That’s what is on offer right now. The way forward, the way out. The break free is here. To better understand your way through book a rebalancing treatment, a Soul reading or use the Wednesday cosmic alignment sessions or monthly healing seminars. Clarity and the way is here if you truly want it. It’s exciting. Don’t miss it! It’s NOW!

Focus is everything!

This year is picking up the pace. We are quickening and the cosmos is about to deliver some amazing energy to help us transform the right way. It’s imperative to have the right focus and understand how you are creating your own destiny. Make sure you are on the same page as Soul and aligning with your true path by being the true you.

It’s a time when residual karma can really be healed and the pathways to your true life purpose can open up to take you forward. It’s all about the right inner focus. We are entering a time when we can align our creative power with the heart and arrive at a new place of understanding. We can really cultivate a state of inner healing and regeneration if we focus the right way. Where the mind goes our energy flows. This is really about to speed up and the turnaround will be felt, so make it a positive experience that brings a deeper sense of peace and fulfilment.

Catch the wave – don’t end up chasing it! This moment could very easily pass you by. If you are feeling like everything is wrong it’s most probably because it’s all trying to come right. The energy is rebalancing to find a new harmonic state and everything you need to be you is available. All your authentic, inner qualities are trying to surface that can get you through, so it might feel overwhelming or it might feel liberating. You have the right ingredients and they are surfacing. You are the answer to your problems. Your moment is here if you truly want to align with it. Spiral up with the energy available right now. It’s amazing and so are you!

Book a Soul reading with healing and rebalancing or check out the karmic healing workshop to get the right focus. You will learn about your residual karmic patterns and attachments Soul intends be healed, as you gain a deeper understanding of your life experience and future life focus for Soul. You will rebalance through Soul guided healing, for clarity, personal development and to raise your energetic vibration. Available as a full day of inner healing or in shorter therapy sessions. Remember, you can spiral up out of it with the right focus and the energy to do it is right here now! Don’t miss it. Use the Wednesday cosmic alignment and mindfulness group space to learn more about the switch on moments and to help yourself grow forward. Please contact to book.

Call out from Arch Angel Michael

Arch Angel Michael is putting a call out as the light bank he uses to spread the joy and healing to humanity is low. There are not enough people focusing on the difference they can make to themselves and the world. So make the next thought you have about yourself a positive one and the same for the next person you meet, and the one after that and so on… make that your new normal! Just choose to be positive! Find the blessings because they are there if you look hard enough. Every positive thought or deed tops up that universal light bank and you will be making a difference to those you feel unable to reach and to yourself. Start now… realise the difference you can make to the world right now by starting with yourself.

If you want to understand the cosmic shifts and work positively to your personal growth and evolution at this special time of expansion in consciousness, check out the weekly, Wednesday, 21st Century Mindfulness group and other events on What’s on and remember you can make all the difference you are here to make, right now! All you have to do is choose to be positive.

It’s all about the heart right now

There’s some great cosmic downloads coming your way, be available for it by having the right focus… Soul took a blend of its awesomeness and molded it into you! So you are designed to be great at being you! Your heart holds the authentic you, so trust and start listening to it.

There’s a big download of Soul coding trying to get through to you right now and throughout August, so be aware of the heart and centre there – don’t let the mind block you receiving this moment! Become your truth by expressing it and remember, what is in your heart, you are destined to be, so anything less will just be settling. Don’t settle for a lesser version than you deserve to be, as it will just pull you down, while the cosmos is doing its best to lift you. There’s work to do with this energy so don’t miss out! Update yourself and get your true coding in as you put your focus in the right place – your heart! If you’re confused about your way forward, you’re focus is off. Get aligned and learn how to be your path. Use the mindfulness, Wednesday group sessions to rebalance, re-focus and understand the cosmic dynamic, or book a one-to-one Soul healing session or Akashic Soul reading. It’s all up to you! How available are you being to yourself, your heart and your truth right now?

Understanding Your Soul Group Dynamic

Gain clarity on relationships, life events and family dynamics, by seeing from a Soul and Akashic perspective. Re-frame, heal and overcome the past. Re-forge your identity by understanding your place within the Soul group and Soul’s overall purpose. Heal disharmony and limitations. Help yourself evolve to a new understanding and set yourself free of residual karmic elements holding you back.

It’s a special time of awakening with great cosmic shifts as we venture into the Age of Aquarius and many Souls are looking to break free of residual karmic attachments and re-align with their overall Soul purpose. New Soul groups are forming as we outgrow the old. Learn to work with the process. Many Souls are experiencing a heavily loaded karmic life time as they seek to grow forward and get back on track. This is playing out in family dynamics and relationships, with sabotage and destructive patterns surfacing to highlight what is residual and needs healing for the individual and group to move forward.

This moment is urging us to heal our relationship with our self, the past and each other. To recognise what we have outgrown in our self and our life, so we let ourselves grow into new vibrational circles. In this life time as we grow, we will encounter new Souls from our future Soul group who will be a positive influence, so pay attention to what and who resonates with your deeper truth. As you heal the past and re-frame it the more authentic you will emerge. It’s time to drop the Soul baggage and heal rifts, or find a peace within, to leave the past where it belongs and take a new understanding and new you forward.

Those that carry the past forward unnecessarily, will burden the Soul with old karmic data to write into the new age vibration and future life scripts. Unburden yourself and your Soul! Choose to let go of resentments, personal limitations and destructive tendencies. Now is the time to heal and take responsibility for yourself and your life. Your Soul is relying on you!

Check out the workshop “understanding your Soul group dynamic”, which can be booked as a full day of healing for yourself or your own groups. Great for a Soul and Akashic perspective, to help you grow forward and break free. Facilitated by Akashic Medium and Soul based therapist, with energetic healing, rebalancing, counselling and coaching as needed. Can also book as therapeutic sessions, 1-2-1 or for your own groups. Don’t let the past hold you back. It’s not meant to and don’t carry it forward by holding onto patterns you’ve outgrown. This is the moment to heal it and move on! Great for individuals, couples, families or groups, seeking a new understanding and way forward. Especially helpful if you have experienced traumatic life events or struggle with particular relationships, communication and family or group breakdowns. Check out the Coaching section for group therapy options and Contact to book.

Rebuilding the Authentic You

Transformation has arrived. One way or another it will happen. It’s a water shed moment where you can truly break free of your past conditioning and close the gap between you and your authentic self. Things will change to get you on your true path and bring the healing needed to rebalance you and your life. The planets have created the perfect storm and you can use the energy positively with the right focus to manifest your destiny. Wherever you are on your life journey there is a more authentic blend of you waiting to emerge from within, hardwired to succeed. Choose to venture beyond your conditioning and programming of the past. Check out the workshop “Rebuilding the Authentic You” or book a coaching session or therapeutic program. Includes a unique blend of energetic healing, Akashic, Soul led rebalancing techniques, with counselling and life coaching as needed. All round, one stop sessions are here to help you transform! This is it, change is here! Contact to book.

It’s time to wake up! – Uranus is calling

This year means business. The energy is doing its best to make us do our best on ourselves! It will wake us up where we need it, whether we like it or not. The push is coming.

Our imbalances will manifest physically, emotionally or mentally, wherever we are storing them. They will play out in our lives and relationships in very real ways until we deal with them. All by cosmic design to help us grow. We’ve had the chance to do it voluntarily over the last few years, the energy has been gently urging us to choose growth. For those who have been working away and quietly owning their stuff it will be a time to reap the rewards and this highly transformational energy will help you fly forward towards your goals and dreams. So there’s a green light for those that have done the necessary self work and continue to hold the right focus. What you want is within reach. Uranus in Taurus will reward the hard working souls who take self ownership and Saturn in Capricorn will reward self responsibility. So hopefully you have been and continue to plant the right seeds on yourself!

For those that haven’t there’s still a window between now and 6th March, when Uranus makes its shift into Taurus, to get planting and take advantage of this highly transformational energy. After March things will begin to get progressively real, so own it now and choose to move out of avoidance, the cosmos is supporting you! It will see what you put in and match it again, that’s how it works. When we use our free will and choose growth the cosmos rewards us one way or another and helps us get there. When we choose to stay stuck it will use the same energy to keep showing us our avoidance in order to point the way back to a harmonious and balanced state, where we can flourish, because that’s what we are in the vessel for, to flourish not suffer. We are in the cusp of this transformational energy right now and the cracks will begin to show if we don’t own it. The energy will break us out of our old ways and make us wake up.

The cosmos wants to help us. Rewards are waiting if you truly want to take ownership of your energy. It is a time of awakening and it is important to know how to manage the process. For those wanting to understand the bigger cosmic shifts occurring and how to work with it positively, to make the most of this highly transformational time, book onto the Wednesday cosmic channeling group, morning or evening and learn to align with your authentic self and close the gap down between you and soul, or book onto the fortnightly well-being group, alternatively, book a personalised, Soul based, Akashic reading or healing session for a focused and meaningful way forward. There is also the psychic development group for those feeling they are awakening and need support or guidance on the way forward. This moment is loaded with cosmic shifts and the choices we make now will have a lasting impact on this and our future life choices. Visit What’s on to discover more and Contact to book. Distance no object – telephone and Skype available, plus distant healing, spiritual life coaching and counselling.

It’s time to take the BEST you forward!

We’re on a final squeeze for the rest of this year. The energy is bringing all our suppressed baggage to the surface to help us deal with it and let it go before it shoots forward in January. The cosmos is really trying to be our friend right now. Uranus is in its final throws in Aries asking us to clean up the self physically, emotionally or mentally. It’s time to let go of old habits and patterns that no longer serve our authentic self and true way forward. Energetically the support is there to do it, so optimize the moment. Work with it. It will never be easier to break free.  Jupiter moving into Sagittarius in November, wants us to have all the good things we are meant to, so it’s time to make yourself available to it and rediscover the real you. Moving beyond the pain and suffering of being out of alignment with your true vibration. The help is there – choose to take it. Start listening to yourself and acknowledging where your life is showing you what is redundant.

Uranus will go direct and move towards Taurus in January and ground in whatever we are choosing to be, to make it more real in our lives for the next 7 years. Now for those creating good things this is an exciting time of new foundations and adventures, with new doors opening and new opportunities. On the other hand… if you’re avoiding self responsibility it will show up everywhere. So it’s time to choose: spiral up with the energy to a better place and reap the benefits that want to come to you or spiral down and have to work harder to get yourself back on track with your true path. The time for avoiding is over. What we resist will surely persist in our lives with Uranus in Taurus and will be exaggerated by Jupiter in Sagittarius. So work it and focus on the positives to create what you really want rather than resisting what you don’t! This energy really wants you to use your higher mind and intelligence to house in your true vibrational blend so all the good wanting to find you knows where you are living right now!

With this in mind there will be a special Soul-stice event 17th & 21st December, to mark the shift in consciousness as we move into the New Year and spiral up in our vibration. You will receive soul healing and attunement to help take the best vibrational you forward. The other group spaces will also be focusing on this for the rest of this year, culminating in the soul attunement around the Solstice.

If you want to help yourself and find the right focus, there is plenty of help available: join the Wednesday, Cosmic Channeling and Mindfulness group, morning or evening, the 3 weekly Development group, the monthly Healing Circle or Monthly Healing Seminar. There are also 1-2-1 healing and developmental programs with Reiki and other therapies available. All Soul and energy based for a pro-active 21st Century approach to health and well-being. Book onto the special Soul-stice event in December for a soul healing and attunement. Visit What’s on to discover more and Contact to book. It’s time to move forward! Distance no object – telephone and Skype available.

Reiki for PTSD, stress and chronic conditions

Stress is unique to each of us. Whether it’s low level chronic stress or a traumatic experience, we can remain energetically stuck in states of imbalance without realising. We can be pushed off line gradually or in one moment. The body is designed to survive and evolve and will naturally tell us when something is tipping us into a state of imbalance.

Unfortunately, we misunderstand this process and end up strategizing and therapizing the recovery process itself instead of working pro-actively with it in order to complete the cycle and evolve beyond it. Instead our stress is triggered over and over as the body’s inner balancing mechanisms continue to attempt a rebalance. Most therapies just compound the problem, applying methods and techniques that focus on shutting down the rebalancing mechanisms themselves, so there is no recovery, just coping. Usually this supresses the trauma, only for it to resurface later or find a new outlet that we often fail to connect. When we work in synergy with the body’s energetic rebalancing mechanisms, we can support the natural processing. Promoting the natural recovery cycle and moving to completion.

The body is designed to rebalance and self-repair. Ironically, these natural rebalancing mechanisms are being misunderstood and identified as part of the problem. They are over medicated which leads to further suppression, when the body is naturally attempting to rebalance and re-cover. It will use any triggers as an opportunity to do so and push the emotional and mental aspects to a new and more balanced state. When the information is assimilated the stressors no longer trigger a panic attack or heightened emotional response and we move beyond fight flight into a new, more balanced and energetically centred state. Where the body can achieve homeostasis and begin to flourish and feel uplifted. It is no longer on high alert or continually looking for a threat as the energetic state has been restored and the body systems have received the messaging that they are out of danger. Then we can focus on new things and assimilate new information about the present and begin to feel as if we can move forward again. That’s because the body has completed the recovery cycle enough and is satisfied that the conscious self has not only identified the stressors but has a greater understanding of what knocked them off line so they are less likely to repeat the pattern and evolution has taken place.

The sooner we move through the natural recovery cycle the better our health becomes. The longer we stay stuck the more chronic our conditions become. We are then labelled and diagnosed and become attached to symptoms of simply being out of balance and the natural physical responses in the body that are in-built to help it flourish are suppressed. So we spiral into more medication and more illness.

If we are stressed our adrenal glands may be in a fight flight state, the thyroid may compensate and be thrown out of balance and a knock on effect ensues. Our lymphatic system becomes overloaded with stress hormones, our mental state, natural vitality and immune system is impacted. Overtime we become susceptible to more illness. We receive more diagnosis and spiral into more medication with their secondary effects. The longer it takes us to recognise the problem the body is flagging up the worse we get and during this process we are prescribed a host of medications to counter what really isn’t a problem at all but rather is part of the solution. Long term medication pushes the body into a deeper state of imbalance as it supresses the messaging systems and we just seem to get worse. This will continue until we take the time and make the effort to understand the symptoms and what they are telling us. We disassociate and see our physical problems as beyond our control and nothing to do with our emotional or mental state which is actually the source of the imbalance.

The body’s energy system is always directing us towards the solution and healing response. It knows the way back to balance. It is a part of us. We can start to listen to our body on a deeper level and choose to evolve beyond our current state. We can become more in touch with our energetic self and start working in synergy with our natural process of recovery. The fortnightly well-being group is perfect for this, or book a therapy session to journey to the source of your recovery. Counselling and coaching is also available.  Learn to trust your body again, it is unique and remarkable, just like you and it really does know the way back to balance! Distance no object, distant healing, Skype and telephone available. Please contact to book.

Push on through!

It’s really important right now to push on through, as your emotional self comes up to heal. Don’t sit in it and let it play out on repeat. Spiralling you down deeper. Don’t create the revolving door syndrome. Push on through it. Own it, deal with it and finally just choose to let it go. You have the power to move yourself forward. Don’t keep waiting for the other to change, or life to do it for you, or it will just keep bringing you the same old stuff. The universe will get the message that you like where you are and bring you more of it! It’s time. The energy right now is pushing you forward, so push yourself and work with it. Stop pointing the finger, take a look at what’s pointing back at you and choose to grow. For those who feel good, that’s great. If you deal with your stuff then you will flow forward with the moment and propel on through. The cosmos wants us all to grow and flourish.

There’s a process to letting go that we don’t fully complete. We don’t energetically let go. We process to a point mentally and emotionally but don’t really, truly resolve it enough to let it go. We still carry it around in our energetic self so it keeps coming back at us through others, life situations and our own dis-ease. We’re all unique, with our own issues and life lessons. So our way forward is also unique. Your energy right now knows exactly where it’s trying to get you to. Let it take you there. The answers you need are right there for you, right now.

Learn the skills of energetically rebalancing, so you can help yourself get there! The beauty of working energetically is that you go beyond the mind and emotional self playing out on old programs. You access your inner rebalancing mechanisms and work in synergy with your innate processing that is trying to propel you forward. When you work in harmony with this process you move forward. You experience relief and move into a more positive place and life experience. For insight on your unique way forward book a rebalancing session, or book the ‘Learn to Let Go workshop’, which will take you on a personal journey of energetically letting go. It’s time to drop the baggage once and for all.

Attend the Wednesday, Mindfulness and Well-being sessions if you want to learn how to energetically rebalance and apply yourself, or book a one to one energetic coaching session. The Wednesday group is all for helping you align your energy and Soul vision to go forward now and get the most out of yourself and your life! It’s available Wednesday mornings, afternoons and evenings. It’s a special time. There is so much cosmic support available to us right now. Get pro-active and learn how to use it! Check out ‘What’s on’ or Contact to book.